Author Archives: danielpredictia

The project builds on the expertise of leading research organizations, infrastructure providers, NRENs and user communities from Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Netherlands, United Kingdom and France, all already committed to the EOSC vision

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Last week researchers from IFCA-CSIC attended the AIHUB CSIC Summer School in Barcelona, Spain. Specifically, IFCA researchers presented three posters related to different research projects in the area of artificial intelligence. One of them, entitled "Application of federated learning to medical imaging scenarios'' is part of the  AI4EOSC project. One of the goals of AI4EOSC is to allow the creation of AI systems on distributed datasets, with a special focus on federated learning. The aim of the project is to support the management of experiments through the platform dashboard. Some of the results obtained in the publication entitled “Study of the performance and scalability of federated learning for medical imaging with intermittent clients”, published in the journal Neurocomputing, and funded within the AI4EOSC project framework, were presented. The use case presented in the poster covers a medical image analysis of chest X-ray images using a federated learning architecture. Applying this…

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AI4EOSC recently participated in a productive two-day meeting in Brussels organized by the EOSC Association and the European Commission (EC). The gathering served as a platform to discuss various crucial aspects of the project's contributions towards the European Open Science Cloud Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the ongoing development of the EOSC. The event brought together project coordinators, representatives from INFRAEOSC projects, experts from the European Commission's DG-CNET and DG-RTD, as well as the Research Executive Agency (REA). The core part of the meeting consisted of lively discussions surrounding the INFRAEOSC projects' individual contributions to the SRIA, focusing on how they align with the overarching goals of research and innovation in the EOSC. To this aim, the EOSC-Focus project is developing a macro-roadmap view of the overall contributions, a commendable effort that will make it easier to get insights of the current EOSC advancement. Project coordinators had the opportunity to share insights, experiences, and…

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EGI-ACE is a 30-month project coordinated by the EGI Foundation with a mission to empower researchers from all disciplines to collaborate in data- and compute-intensive research through free-at-point-of-use services.

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iMagine provides a portfolio of image datasets, high-performance image analysis tools empowered with Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Best Practice documents for scientific image analysis.

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The AI-on-Demand Platform (AIoD) is a community-driven channel designed to empower European research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI), while ensuring the European seal of quality, trustworthiness and explainability.

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FlexiGrobots is an Innovation Action aiming to build a platform for flexible heterogeneous multi-robot systems for intelligent automation of precision agriculture operations, providing multiple benefits to farmers around the world.

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The CSIC AIHUB is a network of centres that brings together more than 400 researchers whose mission is to bring together CSIC research staff dedicated to AI to collaborate in research, training, transfer and communication activities.

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A comprehensive platform for machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence in the European Open Science Cloud. Developing, training, sharing and deploying your model has never been easier.

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EOSC Future is an EU-funded H2020 project that is implementing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). EOSC will give European researchers access to a wide web of FAIR data and related services.

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