[federated aNd distributed learning]
Manage your secured Flower.ai based trainings from the platform enabling federated collaboration and model building.

Read and write your data using NextCloud, get new datasets from Zenodo and automatically deposit your models. New integrations on the roadmap.

Automatically build your model provenance and lineage and generate rich metadata for your executions.
Get an interactive development environment (Jupyter Lab
or Visual Studio code) to build your model
Train your model on EU state-of-
the-art e-Infrastructures
Publish your model as a reusable
asset in our marketplace
Deploy your model at scale using
severless computing
Engage with us
Register and get preview access to the platform to explore the main features.
Register into the EGI Check-In with your institutional account (university, research center) and get preview access to the platform. This access level will let use some basic features like trying a model online, or deploying models in your own cloud resources.
More information.
Become a user
Do you have an interesting idea? Request access to the platform and join our user community
Register into the EGI Check-In with your institutional account (university, research center) and apply to join the AI4EOSC VO. Please contact us [link] in order to get further instructions on how to proceed.
When enrolling, please include the following information in Comments: Reason to use the platform (e.g. use case), your institution or organization, how did you learn about the platform.
More Information
a provider
Either if you want to use the platform and you can bring resources, or if you want to join our federated platform.
Are you interested in bringing your resources into the AI4EOSC federated platform? Do you operate a platform or service and you want to federate with us?
Please contact us and we will come back to you.