Bringing your AI models to EOSC Training. Register now!

May 12, 2023

AI4EOSC experts will host a training on how the project evolve innovative services to support machine learning over the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to better support the new challenges ahead when building distributed AI applications and improve scalability and performance for large-scale AI applications.

Ignacio Heredia (CSIC), Khadijed Alibabaei (KIT), Amanda Calatrava (UPV) and Valentin Kozlov (KIT) will show how the AI4EOSC/DEEP AI platform supports typical scenarios for AI-based applications and services: re-use of existing AI modules on the marketplace, AI model development from scratch and training, and model serving.

You may find more information here.This event can be attended both in-person and online and will take place on 23rd June at 09:00am CEST time.

The AI4EOSC training will be a part of the upcoming EGI 2023, to be held in Poznan, Poland, 19-23 June.The registration deadline ends on 31st May 23:59 CEST, so don’t miss your chance and register now!

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