Horizon Europe INFRAEOSC project coordinators meeting to collaborate on the EOSC

July 10, 2023

AI4EOSC recently participated in a productive two-day meeting in Brussels organized by the EOSC Association and the European Commission (EC). The gathering served as a platform to discuss various crucial aspects of the project’s contributions towards the European Open Science Cloud Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the ongoing development of the EOSC.

The event brought together project coordinators, representatives from INFRAEOSC projects, experts from the European Commission’s DG-CNET and DG-RTD, as well as the Research Executive Agency (REA).

The core part of the meeting consisted of lively discussions surrounding the INFRAEOSC projects’ individual contributions to the SRIA, focusing on how they align with the overarching goals of research and innovation in the EOSC. To this aim, the EOSC-Focus project is developing a macro-roadmap view of the overall contributions, a commendable effort that will make it easier to get insights of the current EOSC advancement. Project coordinators had the opportunity to share insights, experiences, and best practices, fostering collaboration and synergies among the projects. This exchange of knowledge and expertise aimed to amplify the impact and effectiveness of the initiatives undertaken within the framework of the INFRAEOSC call.

The event also provided an ideal platform for in-depth discussions about the current status and evolution of the EOSC. Participants engaged in insightful conversations, addressing the challenges and opportunities faced in the realization of the EOSC vision. These deliberations laid the foundation for further advancements in making the EOSC a comprehensive and integrated platform for European research and innovation, fostering collaboration across projects.

Overall, the Brussels meeting served as a catalyst for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and coordination among INFRAEOSC project coordinators and stakeholders from the European Commission and REA. The event not only reaffirmed the commitment to advancing the objectives outlined in the SRIA but also provided a roadmap for future collaboration and enhanced the collective impact of these Horizon Europe projects.

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