Build AI models in the EOSC

Platform cover
Get an interative development environment (Jupyter Lab or Visual Studio code) to build your model
Train your model on EU state-of-the-art e-Infrastructures
Publish your model as a reusable asset in our marketplace
Deploy your model at scale using severless computing.

The AI4EOSC Platform is a cutting-edge software ecosystem designed to enhance the development and deployment of AI/ML/DL models and applications within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) context. It comprises various high-level services, with a strong focus on the Software as a Service (SaaS) layer. The platform leverages modern technologies to ensure seamless integration and efficient performance.

The AI4EOSC Platform's commitment to open standards, APIs, and reproducibility enables researchers and data scientists to accelerate innovation and make significant progress in AI-driven scientific advances within the EOSC framework.