Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing (CS3)

Barcelona Barcelona, Spain

The CS3MESH4EOSC project was an official supporter of CS3 Conference 2022. The CS3 community consists of providers, developers, and users of innovative storage and sync&share systems. Its services are integrated with user environments and higher-level application services. Furthermore, CS3 reports on the progress in data science at all levels, namely local laboratories, regional collaborations, and global science. CS3 applications range from innovative big- data analysis to science outreach and education.

EGI Conference 2023

Poznań Poznań, Poland

The annual EGI conference is widely recognised as the venue that brings together like-minded professionals from the world of science and scientific computing.

Ibergrid 2023

Benasque Benasque, Huesca, Spain

IBERGRID 2023 will focus in topics related with the development, integration quality and adoption of services, applications and digital twins to support cutting-edge research.

Helmholtz AI Conference 2024: AI for Science

Dusseldorf Congress Center Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany

The “Helmholtz AI Conference: AI for Science” invites you to share and further explore the transformative power of AI in science, showcasing the latest research on applied and theoretical AI solutions. We bring together AI researchers, consultants, and industry representatives, as well as enthusiasts and students in related fields facilitating wide-spread exchange and collaboration.