
Showcasing AI4EOSC at the world’s largest conference on Federated Learning

The AI4EOSC project was showcased at the world's largest conference on Federated Learning (FL), the...

AI4EOSC 1 is out! A new toolbox for developing and running AI models in the EOSC

AI4EOSC, a cutting-edge initiative at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the European Open...

AI4EOSC meets the halfway mark: successes, achievements and goals

The release of the first version of the AI4EOSC platform and the next call for...

AI4EOSC at the EOSC Winter School 2024

Organised by the EOSC Association, the EOSC Focus project and other EOSC-related initiatives, the school...

More than 50 participants meet in the first AI4EOSC platform user’s workshop in Bratislava

More than 50 people attended the first AI4EOSC platform user’s workshop which was held in...

DeepR, a Code For Earth challenge using the AI4EOSC platform

The recently presented DeepR 2023 ECMWF Code For Earth challenge outcome was made possible thanks...